What to know about my training location?

As a coach, it is your job to determine what training location you will use for performing your private lessons. While you are not the owner of the field you use, we want you to take pride in the field and treat it as though it is your office.

Over time, you will need to know the following information about your location:

•Where will clients park and where will they normally meet me?

•How many fields are available to use at the park?

•How big are the different fields?

•Which is the best field to use? Which is the second best field?

•Can you generally use a field to yourself? Is it always busy? Is it normally open?

•Is there a pitcher’s mound?

•Which areas of the park hold water the best in the event that it has recently rained?

•How long does it normally take for rain to clear up after a storm?

•What field space could I use if I can’t access a full baseball field to myself?

•Does the park have trees and/or good shape options?

•Does the park have bathrooms?

•Does the park have lights?

•Does the park have any dangers I need to be aware of? (homeless, dogs consistently off leash, etc)

•Does the park often have dog poop in the field of play? (this is something you’ll need to be aware of and clean up anytime you see it if it is on or near the field of play)

Common question: Do we permit fields for lessons? No. It is not feasible to permit fields for lessons. Instead, we work on a first come, first serve basis. We always make sure we have enough space and a back up plan for any private lesson we give.

NOTE: Although it is obviously preferred when possible and available at least 95% of the time, the use of a full baseball field is not required while giving your lessons. If you ever arrive to a lesson and a field is not available, you will simply assemble your coaching station in a safe space off to the side and/or in the outfield.

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