What uniform should I wear?

If you are selected to join the MADE Baseball coaching staff, it is important that you always show up to your lessons looking like a professional.

You will be given a uniform including:

✔️1 MADE Fitted Hat

✔️1 MADE Baseball Coach’s Shirt

✔️1 Pair MADE Mesh Shorts

You are required to provide the following:

✔️ Pair of black or red baseball turfs(preferably adidas or new balance)

✔️ Baseball sunglasses, oakleys or something comparable

NOTE: You will be expected to wear this uniform to every lesson. If you would like to purchase additional coach’s uniform or any other MADE Baseball apparel, you can do so at our MADE Shop.

We have a full line of other great MADE Baseball gear such as phone cases, shirts, hats, and other coach’s gear that you can purchase at a discounted coach’s rate as well.

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